Getting rid of undesired hair is
something that most people ant. The options for the availability of hair
removal are simply endless. From waxing to shaving to at home laser
hair removal, there are always new choices popping up. Electrolysis is
perhaps one of those methods & quickly gaining in popularity.
Here are some of the benefits of using electrolysis hair removal procedure:
The procedure is not painful:
A widespread myth regarding electrolysis is that it’s pretty painful.
The idea is possibly rooted in the way electrolysis functions. The
electrologist inserts a very thin needle into their hair follicles &
transmits a small current of electricity into the hair. The needle is
thinner than a hair, so it cannot be felt. The electricity ruins the
hair & prevents another one from growing in the area. This procedure
sounds painful, but it does not produce anything more than a tingling
sensation. Click on for more details.