Electrolysis is considered the removal of
individual hairs from the face or body. The latest
technologically-advanced electrolytic devices destroy the growth center
of the hair by using heat energy or chemical.
What Exactly Causes the Growth of Unwanted Hair?
Hair growth is because of the secretion of different hormones and also hereditary conditions. There are certain factors like some drugs, temporary hair removal methods and illnesses that can stimulate the hair growth process.
Electrolysis may be chosen when there’s unwanted hair in the area of the body where they are not desired like on a woman’s upper lip, chin or bikini line. Whether you want bikini line,
upper lip or chin hair removal in Davie, Florida, you should consider taking electrolysis sessions for outstanding results.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?
Actually, many factors influence hair growth; therefore, you’ll need to visit the physician for several electrolysis sessions. The number of sessions required for hair removal from a specific area will range from a person to another.