Thursday, 26 December 2019

What’s Electrolysis Hair Removal & How It Works?

Electrolysis hair removal is a form of permanent hair removal that’s FDA-approved. The practice involves the use of a microscopic needle that releases heated current directly into the hair follicle tube, destroying the follicle & its capability to regrow or sustain new hair growth. Unlike other treatments that promise to be “permanent” until those small patches of hair begin to grow back to the surface… the effects of electrolysis is truly permanent.
Am I a good candidate for electrolysis hair removal?
As far as cosmetic procedures are concerned, there’re generally some factors that can determine how detailed the outcomes will be on any given patient. The same rule is applicable in electrolysis as well.
Hair Removal
With regard to the more widespread laser hair removal therapy, candidates are only fitting for the treatment if their hair and skin have dramatic color contrast since that procedure works through targeting contrasting hues.
However, for electrolysis, the contrast between the skin and hair males little-to-no-difference. Regardless of how fine or fair, dark or coarse your hair, you are perhaps a suitable candidate for electrolysis hair removal.
What’s the length of the procedure?
How long the procedure can take will differ based on several factors, including the amount of hair & area of the body being covered. Usually, treatments can last between fifteen minutes to one hour from start-to-end. Some people do request longer treatments. Click here for more details.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Electrolysis – The Best Solution for Permanent Hair Removal

Unwanted hair grows on the face, and other body parts such as chin and upper lip make a person uncomfortable. This disorder is caused by genetic inheritance, hormonal imbalance, or illness. While there may be several ways to remove hair, but the only sure way to remove such unwanted hair permanently and without risk is electrolysis.  If you struggle with the everyday chore of removing thick, dark, stubborn hair regularly– then electrolysis could be precisely the remedy you are looking for!


Scientific evidence confirms that electrolysis is a safe as well as effective yet permanent hair removal solution for any hair or skin type. The reason behind this higher success rate for electrolysis is that it does not target the pigmentation of the hair like laser treatments do.  It makes the effect straight to the root of the follicle regardless of the color of the patient’s hair or skin type. It creates not only the most effective solution but also one that is more reliable and permanent as well. Electrolysis not only removes hair permanently but enhances your physical appearance and confidence levels to a great extent. It ultimately gets rid of the anxiety that happens due to the hair growing in some unwanted regions usually noticed by all.

Each individual hair has its growing cycle called Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. Anagen is the alive and growing stage. Catagen is the stage where the hair collapses away from the dermal papilla (the food source and nourishment). The last one is the Telogen stage, where the hair is ‘tired’ and entirely disconnected from the dermal papilla. Successful treatments for electrolysis target the hair in Anagen to achieve optimum results. Electrolysis destroys the dermal papilla and removes the hair permanently. This permanent hair removal procedure takes a series of sessions to be most effective. Click on for more details.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Benefits Of Electrolysis Hair Removal

Getting rid of undesired hair is something that most people ant. The options for the availability of hair removal are simply endless. From waxing to shaving to at home laser hair removal, there are always new choices popping up. Electrolysis is perhaps one of those methods & quickly gaining in popularity.

The procedure is not painful:

A widespread myth regarding electrolysis is that it’s pretty painful. The idea is possibly rooted in the way electrolysis functions. The electrologist inserts a very thin needle into their hair follicles & transmits a small current of electricity into the hair. The needle is thinner than a hair, so it cannot be felt. The electricity ruins the hair & prevents another one from growing in the area. This procedure sounds painful, but it does not produce anything more than a tingling sensation. Click on for more details.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Electrolysis Facial Hair Removal – The Best Solution For Most Annoying and Unwanted Hairs

Facial hair can be the most annoying among all unwanted hairs in your body! You can’t hide your face under clothing as you do with other areas of your body! Especially females have struggled with the overabundance of facial hair. They usually realize the fact and worry about the ways to get their face smooth on top. Are you embarrassed by unwanted hair on your face? Fortunately, medical research develops the electrolysis facial hair removal solution that is permanent safe and reliable for your need.

Facial hair on women is often elegant and soft than the hair on other body parts!  Perhaps it may not respond well to much different hair removal approach. However, electrolysis facial hair removal is an excellent option before you to get rid of the unwanted hair on your face. The FDA also approves electrolysis for permanent hair removal used on anyone, irrespective of their skin or hair color. It never attacks the hair follicle itself, and not the pigment in the hair. Hence seems to be a better alternative to remove the facial hair permanently. Click on for more details.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Reasons for having Upper Lip Hair Removal by Professional

Dim, thick upper-lip hair can be humiliating and unattractive, yet a bare upper lip is simpler to stop by than you might suspect. An assortment of alternatives exist to remove difficult upper-lip hair – everything from waxing and solid creams to laser treatment and threading can carry out the activity pleasantly. Nevertheless, not all hair-expulsion items are made equivalent: If you go the depilatory course, ensure the item expresses that it can deal with coarse or thick hair. We at Electrolysis By Debra offer the best way for upper lip hair removal which is painless, effective and of course affordable.

The best way to have upper lip hair removal

Electrolysis is the way that we at Electrolysis By Debra undertake for upper lip hair removal.  It is a perpetual hair-evacuation choice performed by an authorized expert who embeds a metal test into the base of hair follicles and destroys them with an electrical flow. click on for more details.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

5 Best Reasons to Consider Electrolysis Facial Hair Removal

Generally, unwanted hair grows on the face and other parts of body. However, it mostly happens with women, especially on their chin and upper lip. This is a type of disorder, caused due to generic inheritance or hormonal imbalance

It seems really difficult to handle the constant, daily chore of removing dark, thick and stubborn facial hair that simply doesn’t want to be removed. Whether you need help with facial hair removal or upper lip hair removal, you should count on a permanent process – electrolysis.

This process involves passing of electric current through a thin probe which penetrates hair follicle and destroys hair roots, preventing the further growth of unwanted hair. It could be a better approach and the solution you’ve been longing for facial hair removal and upper lip hair removal. Read More

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

All About Electrolysis Hair Removal

Studies have demonstrated that woman invests a great deal of energy removing unwanted hairs. Yes, like 72 days of her life.  Furthermore, that time is not including other beautification methods that women use.

Electrolysis hair removal may be directly for you, here are a few things you should need to think about the treatment!

What is Electrolysis Hair Removal?

Electrolysis hair removal is a permanent means of removing hair. The procedure includes the utilization of a minute needle that discharges w electric flows  into the hair follicle  killing the follicle and its capacity to re-grow or  new hair development.

Electrolysis hair removal is the only 100% FDA-approved  hair removal treatment available. Read More...

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Electrolysis Hair Removal – Gentle and Permanent Removal of Unsightly Hairs

Are you a woman wearing a fashionable attitude and following the best beauty practices to look at your best? It may be feeling awful especially when the unsightly hair grows and shows on your body parts even after going through the pain of tweezing and waxing process and spending a lot of time and money on them. All you need is a high speed, effective and affordable treatment for hair removal that would be permanent. Even if there is the anxiety of the face, breast or upper lip hair showing up too fast on your body due to any disease or hormonal problem, you can still try the smart and safe Electrolysis hair removal treatment. It is a far gentle and reliable method to get free from unwanted hair forever. With sterile clean practices and products, electrolysis hair removal will leave you with the best experience of permanent hair removal.


You may be among those looking to keep away from the tweezers and razors but could not as you will have to keep the underarms, upper lip, face and bikini area clean and clear of hairs. Read More....

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Evaluation of Different Dermatologist Recommended Facial Hair Removal Methods

Growth of unwanted hair on the face is  a common problem for women. Several reasons affect the hair growth on the upper lip and chin area that include various medical conditions such as hirsutism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing’s syndrome, hormonal changes and many more.
Based on the cause behind excess unwanted upper lip and chin hair, there are several upper lip hair removal and chin hair removal techniques suggested by dermatologists. The techniques include Laser Treatment, and Electrolysis. 

However there are pros and cons of each of these treatments which you must know before opting any of the methods mentioned above!

· Laser Treatment for Upper Lip and Chin Hair Removal –

· Electrolysis for Chin and Upper Lip Hair Removal –

It is a clinical method that makes use of a device to target each and every hair follicle individually for destroying it. It provides a permanent chin and upper lip hair removal solution.

Pros – This procedure is suitable for all skin types and hair color. It also eliminates the risk of ingrown hair.

Cons hair must be showing to have treatment. Takes several sessions till hair is permanently removed.

Besides these professional techniques of upper lip hair removal and chin hair removal there are several generic methods that people opt for. However none of the methods have long-lasting effect! The other generic methods include threading, epilating, hair removal wax, hair removal cream, shaving and home remedies.


Electrolysis By Debra is a locally owned and operated private office serving all of Ft. Lauderdale and south Florida using the latest technology available for gentle and permanent hair removal including upper lip hair removal, chin hair removal, breasts hair removal, eyebrows hair removal, bikini area hair removal as well as total body hair removal. For further information call us 954 742 4610.

For more details, stay social with us on: & pinterestinstagram and linkedin.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Benefits of Electrolysis Facial Hair Removal That May Amaze You

Electrolysis is the only FDA (Food and Drug Administration) treatment approved to remove hair permanently! With mild heat or chemical energy, it destroys the hair growth from its root. Facial hair removal with electrolysis destroys the cells responsible for hair growth permanently. Hence, sets it apart from all other facial hair removal procedures. It is very effective and high acceptance around the world. Several benefits of electrolysis make it the ideal choice for you.

Electrolysis is comparatively a natural facial hair removal procedure. Since other methods like creams may use chemicals but, electrolysis works better with a hydrated body. Since lights are not used in the process hence there will be no risk of burning with electrolysis! It destroys the hair on the face from its root regardless its direction. It also prevents more hair growing in that place.

Electrolysis works at the follicle level hence safe and effective for all types and colors of skin and hair.  All hair type including grey, fuzzy, dark, blond, ingrown, or any hair can be removed permanently with electrolysis procedure. If your hair shafts are curved, that makes it tough to shave, wax or pluck then removal. Such hair type often leads to ingrown hairs and further problems. But with electrolysis, both hair and its follicle are permanently destroyed. Also, clients need not have to worry about the directional growth of your hair!

A common misconception about electrolysis facial hair removal is that it is excruciating. The process sounds painful, but in reality, it doesn't cause anything more than a prickling sensation. Expert electrologist inserts a fine needle into the hair follicle and sends a tiny current of electricity into the hair. 

Most hair removal methods are not safe to use on all parts of the body. Electrolysis is the only and exclusive hair removal process that is suitable for use on both large areas and smaller areas such as the eyebrows and face. It can typically be performed anywhere on the body, including the face, abdomen, eyebrows, legs, and even breasts. With an exact process, each hair follicle is targeted individually. It is the only safest method used on those parts of the body that are usually too sensitive for other hair removal methods.

Electrolysis facial hair removal procedure can also be used on any skin type including the sensitive skin type. For example, sugaring and waxing are not suitable for diabetics. It is often painful and left the skin bright red. Also, depilatory creams tend to cause dermatitis when applied to sensitive skin. Electrolysis can safely be used to any skin type, without any adverse side effects. It doesn't have this limitation; hence, making it the most effective method for facial hair removal even on it could be much more than a few session of electrolysis- the permanent hair removal procedure. When you look at it holistically along with all of the costs, the benefits of electrolysis is exceptionally cost-effective.

Request an electrolysis facial hair removal appointment or learn more about the procedure by calling Electrolysis By Debra at 954-742-4610 today!

For more details, stay social with us on: & pinterestinstagram and linkedin.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Chin Hair Removal Using Electrolysis is Still the Most Effective Method for Permanent Hair Removal

Hormonal changes account for many problems including unwanted hair. When it fluctuates, it can cause hair growth. Often, hair hampers self-consciousness and even uncompromising enough to impair relationships! If unwanted chin hair gets in the way of your confidence, or social life, than, electrolysis is an excellent option for you! Electrolysis is safe for all skin and hair color. Perfect for permanent removal of pesky facial hair.

Do you have a family background of unwanted hair? Regardless of the cause, Debra can permanently remove the unwanted hair from your chin. The treatment can be applied to most facial and body parts. Electrolysis is best for facial hair removal, including cheeks and chin.

You might have questions that come to your mind whether electrolysis is permanent? Yes, it is! Electrolysis safely and permanently removes all types of hair including chin hair removal from every skin tone. Most hair removal methods are temporary hair removal. But none of them deliver permanent unwanted hair removal. Electrolysis destroys the growth cells of the hair follicles permanently and prevents the treated hairs from re-growth.

Waxing, threading, shaving or tweezing are alike. All of these are not a permanent way to remove chin hair, as these methods activate the follicles and act as a boost for hair growth. Depilatories and shaving can irritate the skin, and the hair re-grows quickly. All temporary methods, except electrolysis, require lifetime maintenance. Many can appear to be inexpensive but will cost much more in the long run and are also found to be inconvenient as well.

Hairs have different growth cycles, many of which are not visible on the surface of the skin. Under the electrolysis, a small electric current is transmitted by a sterile needle straight into the hair follicle. It will help to break down the hair growth cells (follicles) from its deep root!  Hence the follicle that produces the hair was destroyed. Depending on a private and confidential consultation, your electrologist will design a chin hair removal plan. Hence they can easily address your specific chin hair removal needs permanently.

Electrolysis is the only FDA approved technique used as a permanent removal solution for unwanted hair.  But questions may come whether all hairs can be eliminated in one treatment or is re-growing again? Hair follicles are treated one by one in different phases of the cycle to prevent re-grow. However multiple procedures may be required to remove the hair permanently. Usually, one treatment on the small areas like chin may take 15-30 minutes with an experienced electrologist and need several visits to see the best results.  Only electrolysis can provide permanent hair removal!

If you want to rid yourself of unwanted chin hairs or any parts of your body contact Electrolysis By Debra at 954-742-4610 for a free consultation today.  Soon you will see permanent results.

For more details, stay social with us on: & pinterestinstagram and linkedin