Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Chin Hair Removal Using Electrolysis is Still the Most Effective Method for Permanent Hair Removal

Hormonal changes account for many problems including unwanted hair. When it fluctuates, it can cause hair growth. Often, hair hampers self-consciousness and even uncompromising enough to impair relationships! If unwanted chin hair gets in the way of your confidence, or social life, than, electrolysis is an excellent option for you! Electrolysis is safe for all skin and hair color. Perfect for permanent removal of pesky facial hair.

Do you have a family background of unwanted hair? Regardless of the cause, Debra can permanently remove the unwanted hair from your chin. The treatment can be applied to most facial and body parts. Electrolysis is best for facial hair removal, including cheeks and chin.

You might have questions that come to your mind whether electrolysis is permanent? Yes, it is! Electrolysis safely and permanently removes all types of hair including chin hair removal from every skin tone. Most hair removal methods are temporary hair removal. But none of them deliver permanent unwanted hair removal. Electrolysis destroys the growth cells of the hair follicles permanently and prevents the treated hairs from re-growth.

Waxing, threading, shaving or tweezing are alike. All of these are not a permanent way to remove chin hair, as these methods activate the follicles and act as a boost for hair growth. Depilatories and shaving can irritate the skin, and the hair re-grows quickly. All temporary methods, except electrolysis, require lifetime maintenance. Many can appear to be inexpensive but will cost much more in the long run and are also found to be inconvenient as well.

Hairs have different growth cycles, many of which are not visible on the surface of the skin. Under the electrolysis, a small electric current is transmitted by a sterile needle straight into the hair follicle. It will help to break down the hair growth cells (follicles) from its deep root!  Hence the follicle that produces the hair was destroyed. Depending on a private and confidential consultation, your electrologist will design a chin hair removal plan. Hence they can easily address your specific chin hair removal needs permanently.

Electrolysis is the only FDA approved technique used as a permanent removal solution for unwanted hair.  But questions may come whether all hairs can be eliminated in one treatment or is re-growing again? Hair follicles are treated one by one in different phases of the cycle to prevent re-grow. However multiple procedures may be required to remove the hair permanently. Usually, one treatment on the small areas like chin may take 15-30 minutes with an experienced electrologist and need several visits to see the best results.  Only electrolysis can provide permanent hair removal!

If you want to rid yourself of unwanted chin hairs or any parts of your body contact Electrolysis By Debra at 954-742-4610 for a free consultation today.  Soon you will see permanent results.

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